Bush Sugar Baby Watermelon
Sugar Baby Google Searches,  Sugardating


Have you been mulling over what specie of watermelon to be planted in your garden? Are you looking for a fruit with little or no cholesterol in it? Are you looking for an exceptional fruit with perfect nutrition for your family?  Then, you might want to think about sugar baby bush watermelon. Sugar baby bush watermelon has red flesh. It’s sweet, firm, and crisp, it’s also mottled with very small tan-black seeds. The fruits are called citrullus, lanatus or sometimes, icebox, as they are fittable in the refrigerator — this is because of their small size. The most intriguing feature about these fruits is their sweet taste coupled with their rich and juicy look. As the name alludes, Sugar Baby watermelons have a brix measurement of 10.2 and rank as one of the sweetest watermelon cultivars. I’m pretty sure you would want to know more about this fruits.


Before Planting: A light, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.5–7.5 and a southern exposure is ideal. Sow seeds outdoors after last frost is experienced and soil temperatures are above 70°F. Triploid (Seedless) watermelon varieties need to be grown with Diploid (Seed) watermelon varieties for fertilization. Sugar Baby is good selection for a diploid fertilizer.

Planting: For direct seeding, sow 1–2 weeks after last frost when soil is warm and above 70°F, 3 seeds every 18–36″, 1″ deep. Cultivate 1 plant per location when seedlings have first true leaves. If transplanting, sow 2-3 seeds, 1″ deep in a 2″ peat pot 2-4 weeks before last frost date (no sooner!). Germinate at 80°F (then reduce to a constant 75°F). Keep well watered until 1 week before placing outdoors. Reduce water and temperature for a week to harden seedlings. Transplant 2–3′ apart in rows 6–8′ apart. Even hardened watermelon seedlings are tender. Do not disturb roots when transplanting, and water thoroughly.

Watering: When they are younger, watermelon plants require lots of water, up to 2 inches per week. If you’re able, try not to water the fruits 1 week before harvest as over-watering can cause bland fruit.

Fertilizer: Prior to planting, amend soil with compost and a higher nitrogen fertilizer. Once vines begin to ramble, side dress plants with a 5-10-5 fertilizer. Do this again once the melons are set.

Days to Maturity: There are 2 good ways to tell when a watermelon is ripe:

i. The tendril nearest the point on the vine where fruit stem attaches is browning/dead.

ii. The spot where the fruit rests on the ground is pale yellow.

Harvesting: Once a watermelon is picked, it doesn’t ripen any further. To harvest, take a knife and cut the watermelon from the plant — remember to cut only the stem close to the fruit. Hold at 40-50°F and 85% relative humidity for 2–3 weeks. It is suggested to chill the watermelon prior to serving.
Or you can as well order for your sugar baby bush watermelon here

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