Sugaring in an expensive city like New Jersey

is a great way to take care of your bills, live comfortably, and still have some change to take care of anything that may arise outside your budget.

As a sugar baby who just landed a mommy or someone who is looking forward to finding a good sugar momma for himself, you will surely have a little confusion as to what exactly your sugar momma should pay for, especially if your sugar momma is not the richest woman in the world.

You can decide to cut off some bills which you will pay your self if the relationship doesn’t demand your whole productive time. However, if your sugar momma is demanding you to be around her all the time, then she will have to take care of all your bills – and even give you allowance for savings.

The best way to go about determining the things your sugar momma pay for, is to sit with her and discuss it. But first, you need to have an idea – documented or not – about the items you should list out to her. Below are some things you should consider having on your list.

Your Bills

Especially if your arrangement won’t permit you to have any tangible source of income. Your sugar momma should take care of your phone, internet and electricity bills, including any other bill you might need for your upkeep.

Your Accommodation

As a young man, you’ve probably left the covering of your parents and haven’t bought a home of your own. Your sugar momma can very well take care of your rent.


If you are in college or taking some courses online, ask your sugar momma to pay for your tuition. A sugar momma who loves you and wants to see you advance in life shouldn’t have any problem paying your tuition.

Dates And Vacation

There is almost no need to include this on the list. Regular dates and vacations are the inherent values in sugar dating. Your sugar momma will love to relax after days, weeks or months of hard work, and is there any better way to do this than going out with the sugar baby she love?

Others Human needs vary widely, and our concepts of fulfillment are equally diverse. It’s your arrangement and your life. You know best the things that would make you happy. Include them on your list and discuss with your sugar momma to see if you can strike an agreement.